Let's assume that you have the following object:
javascriptlet json = { name: 'Erik Martín', city: 'Bangkok', age: 31 }
Let's assume that you want to add that object at the end of a URL:
javascriptlet url = `https://erikmartinjordan.com/${json}`
If you print the result:
javascriptconsole.log(url) // 'https://erikmartinjordan.com/[object Object]'
You need to transform the JSON into a string:
javascriptlet url = `https://erikmartinjordan.com/${JSON.stringify(json)}`
But if you print the result:
javascriptconsole.log(url) // 'https://erikmartinjordan.com/{"name":"Erik Martín","city":"Bangkok","age":31}'
The URL has spaces and special characters. To prevent it, encode the URL:
javascriptlet url = `https://erikmartinjordan.com/${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json))}`
javascriptconsole.log(url) // 'https://erikmartinjordan.com/%7B%22name%22%3A%22Erik%20Mart%C3%ADn%22%2C%22city%22%3A%22Bangkok%22%2C%22age%22%3A31%7D'
Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.