Yesterday, a new row on the project table appeared, which means that a new app is born.
During the last months, I've been messing and writing down new ideas. I've been tweaking some of them, been launching some packages, but after messing with the projects for several hours, I wasn't sure they were worth to be public.
It all can be summarized as a creative block. Or, in other words, I haven't had anything interesting to launch.
Since 2015, I've coded and launched most of the ideas that came out of mind, without overthinking. Unfortunately, this approach has led to disappointing results. Most of the projects have been shut down after ~1 year.
Usually, when I shut down a project it's because:
So, if I don't want a project to be shut down:
A few weeks ago, I was looking at one of the spreadsheets I've on Google Drive: "CronJob". It's a spreadsheet with a built-in script that fetches an URL and saves the result on a table.
I've used this script for 2 things:
.There are lots of solutions providing pings, uptimes, and cron jobs. But I wanted to create something easy and ready to use, without the annoyance of a landing page.
ChronLabs is born (ß); for the upcoming weeks, I will be testing it and adding new features. I expect to have a solid version before the end of this year. 🥳
Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.