Incorporating a shapefile into a Power BI report

Let's assume that you want to include a shapefile in a Power BI report:

  1. Reproject the shapefile into WGS 84.
  2. Upload the shapefile to Mapshaper (include related files as well e.g. dbf).
  3. Export the map as TopoJSON.

Export map as TopoJSON

  1. Add a data table with the shapefile's data:

Data shapefile

  1. Create a form map in Power BI.

Form map in Power BI

  1. Configure the map in Power BI (add the exported TopoJSON and 'Mercator' as projection):

Configure map in Power BI

  1. Final result:

Power BI

Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.