Promise and setTimeout: a simple example

Let's assume that we want to simulate the behaviour of a dice, returning a random value between [1, 6] after 3 seconds:

const rollDice = () => {
    let random = new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1), 3000);
    return random;

Now, two players join the game: who rolls the dice and gets a higher value, wins (yes, so an exciting game 😅).

const game = async () => {
    // Player one rolls the dice
    // Waits 3 seconds
    let player_1 = await rollDice();
    // Now, it's turn to player two
    // Waits 3 seconds as well
    let player_2 = await rollDice();
    // Printing the results
    if(player_1  >  player_2) console.log('Player 1 won'); 
    if(player_1  <  player_2) console.log('Player 2 won');
    if(player_1 === player_2) console.log('Draw');    

Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.