There aren't any functions in Firebase to get a random item from the real-time database so far. 😢
Let's assume that you have a dataset such as:
json{ "posts":{ "key_1":{ "title": "title", "message": "message", "timestamp": 4598878 }, "key_2":{ "title": "title", "message": "message", "timestamp": 4598978 }, ⋮ , "key_n":{ "title": "title", "message": "message", "timestamp": 4698878 } } }
If your dataset includes a timestamp, you could pick a random item:
javascriptimport { db, get, limitToFirst, limitToLast, query, ref } from './Firebase' // Let's assume that top-level await is allowed (ES2022) to beautify the explanation // You get both first and the last element let snapshot_1 = await get(query(ref(db, 'posts'), orderByChild('timestamp'), limitToFirst(1))) let snapshot_2 = await get(query(ref(db, 'posts'), orderByChild('timestamp'), limitToLast(1))) // Now you can get both timestamps let timestamp_1 = Object.values(snapshot_1.val())[0].timestamp let timestamp_2 = Object.values(snapshot_2.val())[0].timestamp // At this point you can get a random value between both timestamps let random = Math.random(Math.random * (timestamp_2 - timestamp_1 + 1) + timestamp_1) // Finally, you can pick a random item let snapshot_random = await get(query(ref(db, 'posts'), orderByChild('timestamp'), startAt(random), limitToFirst(1)))
You can include it by doing the following:
javascriptimport { db, get, onValue, ref, runTransaction } from './Firebase' const addTimestamp = () => { let now = onValue(ref(db, 'posts'), snapshot => { Object.keys(snapshot.val()).forEach((key, i) => { runTransaction(ref(db, `posts/${key}/timestamp`), value => now + i) }) }, { onlyOnce: true }) }
You could also add a unique value to each of your items (a counter).
Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.