Replacing all string values in an object in JavaScript

Messi just decided to open a new blog and test it while playing the best football you can imagine:

const blog = {

    'posts': {
        '0': {
            'user': 'Messi',
            'message': 'Hey!',
            'replies': {
                '0': {
                    'user': 'Messi',
                    'message': 'It me again',
                    'replies': {
                        '0': {
                            'user': 'Messi',
                            'message': 'This is my last message'
        '1': {
            'user': 'Messi',
            'message': 'Hey!'


Let's suppose that we want to replace a property; we could iterate through every object property recursively (hard way) or we could just transform the object into a string and replace the desired properties (easy way).


const replaceProperty = (object, oldProperty, newProperty, oldValue, newValue) => {
    // We convert the object into a string
    let stringify = JSON.stringify(object);

    // We replace the old property and value with the new property and value
    let replaced = stringify.split(`"${oldProperty}":"${oldValue}"`).join(`"${newProperty}":"${newValue}"`);
    // We convert the string into json again
    let json = JSON.parse(replaced);

    return json;


And that's it. Let's imagine that Cristiano wants to copy Messi's blog. He could execute the past function as follows:

let CristianoBlog = replaceProperty(blog, 'user', 'player', 'Messi', 'Cristiano');


'posts': {
    '0': {
        'player': 'Cristiano',
        'message': 'Hey!',
        'replies': {
            '0': {
                'player': 'Cristiano',
                'message': 'It me again',
                'replies': {
                    '0': {
                        'user': 'Cristiano',
                        'message': 'This is my last message'
    '1': {
        'player': 'Messi',
        'message': 'Hey!'

Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.