Unique array of arrays in JavaScript

Let's assume that you have the following array:

let arr = [
    ['Erik', 'Jeff', 'Elon'],
    ['Bill', 'Elon', 'Jeff'],
    ['Bill', 'Erik', 'Jeff'],
    ['Erik', 'Jeff', 'Elon'],
    ['Bill', 'Erik', 'Jeff']

/* Unique array of arrays: 
res = [
    ['Erik', 'Jeff', 'Elon'],
    ['Bill', 'Elon', 'Jeff'],
    ['Bill', 'Erik', 'Jeff'],

As keys are unique in objects, you can use an empty object and add the arrays as keys. Then, you can use the Object.keys() function to get back the keys:

let obj = {}

arr.forEach(e => obj[JSON.stringify(e)] = true) 
/* obj = {
    ["Erik","Jeff","Elon"]: true, 
    ["Bill","Elon","Jeff"]: true, 
    ["Bill","Erik","Jeff"]: true

let res = Object.keys(obj).map(JSON.parse) 
res = [
    ['Erik', 'Jeff', 'Elon']
    ['Bill', 'Elon', 'Jeff']
    ['Bill', 'Erik', 'Jeff']

Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.