If you try to print the timestamp on a for loop, probably you'll get repeated results as the computer performs the operations in less than 1 ms.
javascriptfor(let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++){ console.log(Date.now()) } /* The printed timestamp repeats itself several times 6 1633102772083 25 1633102772084 25 1633102772085 28 1633102772086 13 1633102772087 28 1633102772088 ... */
The trick to make the printed results unique is to append the index at the end.
javascriptfor(let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++){ console.log(`${Date.now()}${i}`) } /* The approach looks good for the first 10 numbers 16331035373630 16331035373631 16331035373632 16331035373633 16331035373634 16331035373635 16331035373636 16331035373637 16331035373638 16331035373639 163310353736310 | 163310353736311 |---- But, you have a problem from here on 163310353736312 | ... */
To solve the previous issue, you need to append some zeros at the beginning of the indexes.
javascriptfor(let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++){ console.log(`${Date.now()}${i.toString().padStart(4, '0')}`) // -- // index.toString().length is more generic } /* Now every number has equal lenght and they are sorted 16331039674280000 16331039674280001 16331039674280002 16331039674280003 16331039674280004 16331039674280005 16331039674280006 16331039674280007 16331039674280008 16331039674280009 16331039674280010 16331039674280011 16331039674280012 16331039674280013 */
Bear in mind that you are adding some microsegonds (µs) to the real timestamp.
Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.