When to use colons in Vue

Colons (:) are used before attributes in Vue to bind a variable to a component.

For example:

    <blogpost title = 'Hello' :content = 'text'></blogpost>

import blogpost from './blogpost'

export default {
    name: 'app',
    components: { blogpost },
        return {
            text: 'This is a short blogpost'


This is a short blogpost

If you didn't use colons, instead of displaying 'This is a short blogpost', you would display the word 'text'.

Using colons, allows you to add JavaScript as well.

For example:

    <blogpost title = 'Hello' :content = "text.length > 10 ? 'Long text' : 'Short text'" ></blogpost>


Long text


With attributes such as v-for or v-if it doesn't makes sense to write semicolons, because you'll use always JavaScript expressions (you won't bind anything).

Hi, I'm Erik, an engineer from Barcelona. If you like the post or have any comments, say hi.